This blog is about the small and simple designs in your home. I am Luca Greyson and I have been trying to create the perfect home for my wife and daughter for the past 2 years. As an arcadian designer, I like the simple and special touches that you can add to your home. This could be a family picture hung in the perfect place, a patterned throw over the sofa of a soft rug to make the room feel cozier.
I try to make my home feel as warm and safe as possible for my family and if this is something that you would also like to do then check out my blog and grab some tips.

Finding the perfect decor for you is what separates a house from a home. My wife was very instrumental when it came to picking color patterns and materials and then we worked together to work out what furniture and design features we would want.
I found that comfort definitely trumps style because your home is for living in and not for showcasing. Plus I wanted super soft sofas so I could have an excuse for taking a nap in the middle of the day!
My wife couldn’t find the shelves that she was thinking of so I decided to get my toolkit out and build my own. They took a little while but they turned out great and meant that we could shape them into whatever design we wanted.
We decided to go for rectangular floating shelves and have them above the sofa to hold things like photos and house plants.

Renovations are a big deal, they cost a lot of time and money, so you need to be absolutely sure of your plans before you start breaking down walls and painting all the walls bright yellow.
When we were building an extension onto our home we had to contact planners, councils, and so many people just to get permission to build, it is not an easy thing but it is so worth it in the future.
A little bit more about me is that I am from Nebraska and I have a big family that lives close. I am a massive family man which is why creating our dream home became such an obsession for me, especially the thought of seeing my daughter and future children happy in our home.
I am an architect and I have put so much of my passion into my home and now into this blog to bring amazing home tips and advice to give to you.